The leader is fidel Castro

Cuba & the leader is Fidel Castro.
Should country leaders want to be like this?
The flu epidemic happened in a poor country a long time ago.  The country was occupied by robbers for many years, having been released only a few days ago.  They had no doctors, no drugs, no, hospitals, no, nothing.

 Every day people are dying, old and young children, nobody is leaving.
 The leader of that country sought medical help from doctors and nurses in all countries of Europe and America.  The Europeans did not respond.
 Some countries in Latin America have reached out to help.

 During that time of the disaster, the young leader of the poor country decided - there should be 5 doctors against every 20 people, otherwise healthcare would not be suitable, the country would be in danger.

 Then, ignoring the bloody eyes of the mighty neighboring country, the country proceeded, the highest investment in education, health sector, the country was released from the curse of illiteracy very quickly, hundreds of doctors nurses jumped into service.

 Then the leader of the country decided that modern technology should be mastered - saving people, not killing people.

 Overlooking all obstacles, the country made great strides in biotechnology and genetics, invented meningitis vaccines, was also very successful in the treatment of long cancer, developed virology and interferon alpha2b,

 Then one day the young leader of the country, who has grown so long, kept his body.

 Then the new leaders took hold of the country but the policy did not change.

 Then there was the outbreak of the coronavirus worldwide.  When the most powerful and wealthiest countries in the world are looking for ways to survive, that small country has come forward with doctor nurse medicines.
 Europe, which has never looked back in great danger, is now counting on doctors in this small country hoping for medicines.

 This small country can do big business only if patented for drugs - don't.  Human health is not a business field - it is their policy.

 The name of this country is Cuba, the leader is Fidel Castro.
Cp: marzuk Russel edited: nihar,