The covid-19 vaccine is coming to market in October 2020

Oxford says the vaccine they discovered is working very well .. !!

 The vaccine is coming to market in October ...
 Their discovery of the "Chadox Vaccine" on the human body has proved to be a complete success in the first phase of the experiment.
 In this experiment, it has been found that in addition to antibodies, T cells have also been produced in the application of vaccines, which is very important in preventing any virus.
 It is important to note that children or adolescents are less likely to be infected with coronavirus because the cells in the body are fresher.

 When will I get the vaccine ??
 -Of course within this year.
 The results of the 3rd step or the final step will be known in September. then hold the marketing for 1 month.
 So you can hold October with hope in your heart.

 ðŸ‘‰ Poor country. will Bangladesh get it immediately ??
 - Of course. with Europe-America. basically for two reasonsঃ
 1. The number of our victims is much higher.
 2. Bangladesh is working on genome sequencing and other vaccine research.

 ðŸ‘‰ What will be the price of the ticker ??
 - More likely to be free
 However, WHO has said that even if the price is kept, 1 cup of coffee will cost 100 rupees !!!
 So trust in Allah 6

 And roughly 100 days.
 Follow a few 3 precautions:
 1) Wash hands 2) Wear mask 3) Adhere to 3 feet body distance.
 The corona-free world is not far away.
report by bd news edited Nihar,