Pandamic epidemic corona effect 2020 the world business & company.

Effect of Corona 
Pandemic epidemic effect 2020 the world.

 Some companies:

 * The world-famous brand 'Victoria's Secret' has declared bankruptcy.

 * Famous chain store 'ZARA' has closed their Barosho outlets.

 * 117-year-old American 'Jessipeni' has announced the closure of 224 stores.

 * Famous perfume brand 'Chanel' and famous watch 'Rolex' have stopped their production.

 * Famous shoe company 'Nike' is preparing to lay off the second episode after the first episode.

 * The owner of the renowned real estate business Airbnb says their 12 years of hard work are on the brink of collapse in just six weeks.

 * Famous coffee shop 'Starbucks' has announced the closure of 400 of their stores.

 * This list is getting longer and longer

 Job holders: In the last five months, many people have lost their jobs and businesses and lost all means of livelihood due to the Corona epidemic.

 Lucky to continue job:

 If you have a job in this situation, if you have an open source of income, then you are much luckier than others.

 To humble owner:

  If you are employed somewhere, your sense of responsibility towards the owner of your company and your company should be multiplied many times over.  We should all do it voluntarily, voluntarily.

 How to serve employees:

  ✓ Imagine how your company survives?  How does the owner of your company survive?

 2020 is enough for live:

 * 2020 is actually the year of survival, the year of survival in any way.  Being able to survive is hugely profitable!

 Should never complain or objection:

 * Therefore, we should not consider small complaints, small non-receipts, small dissatisfactions as too big.  Many of our acquaintances have gone beyond all allegations in this epidemic.

 Should thankful to good and employees

  But we are alive, healthy, able to eat twice a day;  The more we are grateful for it, the more we thank our Creator, our employers, our relatives, our friends, our neighbors.

 At last pray for all.

 May Allah keep us all healthy.  Keep it good.  Keep it safe.

reort and edited Nihar,