Afghanistan now under control Taliban

·                        Taliban Holds Press Conference From Presidential Palace.

The Taliban held a press conference after they took over Afghanistan’s capital city of Kabul on Sunday while the world watched in shock at the speed with which the country completely fell apart. Meanwhile, Democrat President Joe Biden continued to hide from the American public at Camp David, where he is scheduled to be for the next few days.

·                         Al Jazeera posted photographs and video of Taliban terrorists addressing the media in the presidential palace shortly after the nation’s president fled the country.

·                        While the Taliban held a press conference, Biden continued to hide from the public as the nation fell following his chaotic pullout. Even CNN ran a segment noting that many people were wondering where Biden was, as well as why he was not out in front of the cameras showing leadership.

·                        CNN later reported that Biden was “expected to address the nation in the next few days about the crisis in Afghanistan.”

·                        The embarrassment for the administration comes after the Taliban recaptured the country in just a few days following Biden’s Intelligence Community saying that it might take the Taliban three months to take over.

·                        The Wall Street Journal noted that the Afghan military collapsed because they relied heavily on U.S. air support, and it could not function after Biden pulled the U.S. support:


·                        The Afghan army fighting alongside American troops was molded to match the way the Americans operate. The U.S. military, the world’s most advanced, relies heavily on combining ground operations with airpower, using aircraft to resupply outposts, strike targets, ferry the wounded and collect reconnaissance and intelligence. In the wake of President Biden’s withdrawal decision, the U.S. pulled its air support, intelligence and contractors servicing Afghanistan’s planes and helicopters. That meant the Afghan military simply couldn’t operate anymore. The same happened with another failed American effort, the South Vietnamese army in the 1970s said retired Lt. Gen. Daniel Bolger, who commanded the U.S.-led coalition’s mission to train Afghan forces in 2011-2013.

·                        According to CNN & Al Jazeera.


After the press release, many people compliment.

·                        Hanson:

·                        The women of Afghanistan tasted freedom, they were able to drive and to work. This is an undeniable travesty for these women who now face a future worse than death. Shame on these weak leaders of the world. This weakness has permitted the Taliban to take all the American-made weapons given to defend Afghanistan to abuse the lives of these people with fear, violence, economic ruin, and isolation. The lack of response to the gathering Taliban forces is shameful, it leaves every soul that died trying to free these people from the violent hands of terror- a death in vain.  My heart bleeds for the women of Afghanistan and I are tormented by what their futures hold. My heart burns red at the complacencies of the people who choose to pretend this is ok.

·                        Brad for equity basis complement:

·                        Why must we all judge the Muslim faith & way of life which has been in existence for centuries. why must the world always decide that the Muslim faith & way of life is not right and that the western way of life is the only way to freedom & democracy. They themselves are so confused about what democracy actually means. We are not a one-world order where every country must conform to western civilization. Yes, of course, we want all women and children equal who want to fulfill their roles in a free society which includes being able to be educated & self-sufficient in society but the laws of Islam don't allow this. The Muslim state is the only people who can change this way of life. we have an obligation to engage and discuss these pretentious issues.

·                        Jeff:

·                        This is a tragedy and embarrassment for America as the world looks for our leadership we have a potato in chief that is on vacation sleeping while the people of Afghanistan are being taken over by a terrorist group that will affect the rest of the world

·                        This so-called president in 7 months

·                        Has destroyed the boarder

·                        Has driven up gas and oil and made other countries rich

·                        Has been so soft on China

·                        Lies to the American people on a daily basis.

·                        Has made America the laughing stock of the world and now this.

·                        I guess we no longer get mean tweets so watching the world burn must be worth it.


·                        Jacky:

·                        US gov failed they had 20 years to establish something turns out it was a house of cards the whole time 2 trillion to fat cat defense contractors.


·                        Steven :

·                        This is a true embarrassment for the United States.  More importantly, it is a slap in the face of all the brave men and women who fought for our country and for those who gave all!!

·                        Report by CNN & Al Jazeera writing and edited nihar.